The person I like to talk to most is my best friend.

My best friend is who I would like to talk to the most. We have been friends for years. We used to talk a lot more. I remember she used to call me every night. I would ask, do you want to talk tonight, and she would say yea. We would literally talk half the night. I was never bored with her. I loved every minute. I wanted it to go on forever, but I would have to go to work the next morning, so we had to say good night. I think I told her half my life history, and she told me hers. We went through a lot together, and she helped me though it all, and I hope that continues. I’d really like it if she called me right now, late as it is, I’d answer.

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I see myself as a free thinker, life explorer, and wisdom collector. Some of my favorite subjects are psychology, philosophy, relationships, society, reading, writing, technology, and lifestyle. My goal in life is to connect with people, make the world a little better, and improve the lives of those I meet along the way.

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